Tayang1 April 2012
StudioA-1 Pictures
GenreComedy, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Slice of Life, Space
Uchuu Kyoudai adalah anime space science fiction yang mengisahkan cerita dua bersaudara bersaing mengejar impian mereka untuk menjadi astronot. Mutta dan Hibito merupakan kakak beradik yang sejak kecil bercita-cita dapat pergi ke luar angkasa. Disaat Hibito sudah berhasil menjadi astronot, kakaknya Mutta yang awalnya ragu akan potensinya akhirnya turut mengikuti seleksi di JAXA.
Ketika sedang bermain bersama di malam musim panas, Mutta dan Hibito tiba-tiba melihat benda asing bercahaya melayang di udara, yang dengan cepat menukik ke arah bulan. Mereka meyakini bahwa fenomena tersebut adalah penampakan UFO. Pengalaman itu membuat Hibito berjanji bahwa ia akan pergi ke bulan, sementara Mutta yang tak mau kalah menyebut Mars sebagai tujuannya.
Setelah dewasa, mereka berdua meniti karir yang berbeda. Hibito berhasil menjadi astronot dan dipercaya sebagai orang Jepang pertama untuk menginjakkan kaki di Bulan. Sedangkan Mutta awalnya bekerja di pabrik mobil sebagai desainer, sebelum dipecat karena insiden dengan direktur. Mengalami banyak kegagalan, Mutta mengenang kembali mimpi masa kecilnya terbang ke Planet Merah.
Uchuu Kyoudai HD Full Episode
- Little Brother Hibito and Big Brother Mutta
- My Shining Star
- The Man with the Advantage and the Running Female Doctor
- Next to Hibito
- Days of Missing
- Et Cetera in My Head
- Dear Hibito
- Smoky Heaven
- Individual Resolve
- Running Bus
- Trapped Rivals
- My Name Is Itou Serika
- 3-D Ant
- Broken Glasses and the Sole of the Foot
- Let's Talk About Space
- Alarm, but No Clock
- The Culprit Is in the Room
- Roo-ra! Kenji!
- The Day Before Goodbye
- The Worst Possible Punishment
- A Long-Awaited Glimpse of the Sky
- Working on the Dream
- Father, Son, and Mutta Claus
- The Worst Possible Interviewer
- Sonic Little Brother Training Big Brother
- Painful Interview
- One Question
- Miracle of Doha
- Night Before Launch
- Dog, Old Man, and Alexander
- Rocket Road
- A Private Place
- Moon Rabbit
- Pug and Hug on a Moonlit Night
- From the Little Corner of a Big Facility
- Dancing Astronaut
- Two Men in the Park
- Eleventh E-mail
- Lunar Illusions
- Heaven and Hell
- Eighty Minutes to Live
- Hibito's Choice
- Brian
- Three Astronauts
- Five Blue Rangers
- Number One Restless Guy
- The First Promise
- Always Have a Pedometer in Your Heart
- Nitta the Leader
- Nitta and Mutta
- Living Stone
- A Big Brother Should Always...
- Stand on the Moon Together Alive
- Do I Have Good Luck?
- Distant Goal
- Promise to Drink
- An Engineer's Switch
- Earnest Failure
- Promise Sign
- Sea Diver and Space Diver
- Those Who Wait for Hibito
- Those Who Dream Far
- Young Excitement
- Piece of Cake
- Wheelchair Pilot
- Two Notebooks
- Deneil-ized
- Two Keyboards
- Next to Hibito
- Determination to Give Up
- Rehearsal
- Hibito's Disorder
- A Road on the Roadless Moon
- Magic Trick
- My Hands
- Olga
- An Astronaut's Daughter
- Out of Time
- Olga, Hibito, and Gagarin
- Secret
- Worst Enemy
- Space Family
- Kenji and I
- Supandaman
- On the Moon
- For Tomorrow
- To the Place Where I Belong
- Pretty Dog
- Last Words
- A Small Note and a Big Lucky Charm
- How to Help Hibito
- Lonely People
- In the Corner of My Heart
- Exciting Teamwork
- Our Future
- Astronaut and Father
- Won't Go Away
- The Ultimate Astronaut
- Life Changes, Promises Don't
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